Beyond self-defence, discover how martial can get you fit while boosting confidence and improving self-esteem.
February 2, 2015
Beyond self-defence, discover how martial can get you fit while boosting confidence and improving self-esteem.
Martial arts' consistent regimen of physical conditioning, disciplined repetition, controlled sparring and reflective discussion develops strength of character and self-respect. Other benefits are physical resilience, better circulation, decreased tension, and enhanced concentration.
Perspiration from physical exercise removes toxins from the body. A rigorous workout also increases mental clarity while allowing the brain to secrete endorphins that cause euphoric-like feelings.
A good martial arts program will assess the physical capabilities of an individual and encourage that person to work to his or her limit, while gradually pushing them beyond it at a reasonable pace. This measurable improvement allows the student to track their progress in quantifiable terms.
Martial arts introduce a new set of physical movements with the intention of teaching a student to master them. To do this, physical repetition is required. Practising blocks, feints, punches, and kicks over and over develops self-discipline. Once a student's skills become proficient, they are ready to be put to use in practical situations.
The movements specific to any fighting discipline must be perfected through actual use. However, street fighting is never the way to do this, and is discouraged by every major discipline. Use of martial art skills outside of the training facility is only to be done in self-defence scenarios without exception.
Sparring, on the other hand, is an integral part of training and not only teaches a student how to apply what they have learned, but also builds their confidence so that they can defend themselves should they ever be attacked.
There is a mental and intellectual aspect to martial arts that invokes discussions of personal fears and a clear definition of self-limiting beliefs. As a student progresses, they will very likely encounter physical and mental barriers. It's the job of the instructor to help the student identify the source of these limitations and to help to overcome them.
This process builds the courage to confront everyday problems through martial arts, rather than indulging in denial. As students become solution-oriented, clear-thinking, and confident with direct action, healthy self-esteem is the reward.
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