The blunting of taste and smell can occur in people as they age or due to medical issues, but sometimes the deterioration of these senses can be mitigated. Here are some ideas for dealing with taste and smell disorders.
July 29, 2015
The blunting of taste and smell can occur in people as they age or due to medical issues, but sometimes the deterioration of these senses can be mitigated. Here are some ideas for dealing with taste and smell disorders.
Unfortunately, no one has yet discovered a way to treat the gradual blunting of taste and smell that occurs in many people as they grow older. However, if the dulling of your sense of taste or smell is the result of a medical disorder, doctors may be able to minimize the impact by taking one or more of these three basic approaches:
Fortunately, loss of the senses of taste and smell is frequently temporary and the situation can improve with time. Olfactory cells are able to regenerate, although this may take months or even years (for example, following a head injury). In the meantime, there are ways to give your senses a boost:
Smell and taste are important senses that can contribute to your enjoyment of life. If you are experiencing impaired or deteriorating senses of smell and taste, you should always start by speaking with your doctor to find out about possible causes and remedies.
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