4 tips for getting your kids into karate

November 3, 2015

Karate is a great martial art for kids to learn. It teaches discipline, motor skills, and even helps them burn up excess energy. If you're interested in getting your child started with karate, there are some simple tips to follow to get him or her excited about the sport.

4 tips for getting your kids into karate

1. Create a home practise area

You child might enjoy learning at the dojo, but without practising at home, he or she is going to struggle with learning and be discouraged. So, set up a practise area for karate at home.

Designate a wide open spot in a living room or basement as a karate training area. Encourage kids to use the space for practice drills, warm ups, and more every day.

2. Join a class with friends

Kids are always more excited about an activity when they have friends there. One option is finding some students in your child's class at school that are also interested in karate, then signing them up at a martial arts school together.

This will make going to karate more exciting and less intimidating each week for your child. It will also be more convenient for you as a parent, because you will have someone to carpool to and from training with.

3. Go to a professional karate match

To get your child excited about the martial art itself, take him to a professional karate match.  Going to a professional karate match is exciting for kids, and it can also show them the potential they can reach if they're serious about the martial art. Many karate tournaments also give kids the chance to meet famous athletes and get autographs.

4. Reward your child for training

Many children are motivated by positive reinforcement. So, if your child is hesitant about getting into karate, reward him for practising or going to class. Allow the child a reward they have chosen after they go to karate with confidence for a few weeks. Associating practise with rewards is a good way for kids to associate positive feelings with the martial art.

Get your kid kicking his way through karate and watch them make friends along the way. The benefits of karate classes will reach far beyond the classroom.

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