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Whether it’s for a special celebration or just to feed your sweet tooth, great chocolate cake can be had at top bakeries across the city. There are lots of options to choose from, including fudge cake and classic hazelnut and chocolate. Whatever your favourite type of chocolate cake is, you can count on these desserts to be multi-layered, decedent and delicious! Here is the best chocolate cake in Toronto.[Photo credit: iStock]
What’s better than a croissant? A croissant filled with chocolate! Pain au chocolat is a traditional French pastry that is flaky and crispy on the outside, and doughy and chocolate-y on the inside. A favourite for many pastry and chocolate lovers, Torontonians are lucky that there are many French bakeries that make the perfect pain au chocolat. Here are the best pain au chocolat in Toronto.[Photo courtesy of Douce France]
There are many amazing chocolatiers in this city and we are the lucky ones they share their talents with. From truffles and tortes to hot chocolate, there are plenty of goodies to satisfy any chocolate lover. Here are the top chocolatiers in Toronto.[Photo courtesy of Nadege]
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