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Business listings in Head Of Jeddore
Yellow Pages offers complete business information listings for in and about the Head Of Jeddore, Nova-Scotia region. With the most comprehensive listings of categories online in Canada, Yellow will get you there quicker. If you live in or near Head Of Jeddore, discover the best user-reviewed businesses local to you, with .
Some may be surprised to hear that Halifax is known for its rock star bartenders, but it shouldn't really come as a shock, since Maritimers are known to fancy a drink. The fact is that the Nova Scotian capital boasts seriously creative bartenders who are producing some of the country's most cutting-edge craft cocktails. Nestled in the downtown core, there are endless options for tasty and inventive libations in Halifax.
Is there anything better than the weekend? Those two precious days – when we can sleep in, escape the 9-5 grind and start our morning at a leisurely pace – come with an extra special treat: BRUNCH! If you find yourself in Halifax, there’s no shortage of weekend breakfast options ranging from greasy spoons to upscale eateries to hidden gems off the beaten path. These local spots are all sure to please.
Whether you’re craving a glass of Cabernet or Pinot Grigio, you always have choice in Halifax. Would you prefer a dark basement wine cellar, a breezy seaside patio, or a warm and cozy fireplace nook? And although we're not exactly a wine-making hotspot, there a few regional gems that hit it out of the park every time. If you like bubbles, keep an eye out for Nova 7, which is so popular it’s almost impossible to keep in stock.