Hi Mara,
My mother is a client of your agency. I spoke with one of your coordinators yesterday, she asked me to send an e-mail to you. I had to tell you what a special care giver Nadia is .... Nadia visits my mother four days weekly she is so caring and thoughtful, she makes sure my mother has everything she needs before she leaves, she looks out for her safety, and if there is any changes in my mother’s behaviour she lets me know. She is a lovely lady; my mother loves her. I wanted you to know how special she is.
You know it was difficult for my mother to accept help from strangers, she would never let anyone give her a bath. Now she is allowing Nadia to give her care and they are talking and laughing like old friends. It is wonderful to see my mom so happy. I just had to say thank you. My mind is so at ease now. I don’t have to worry; I couldn’t ask for a better caregiver. I am so fortunate to have Nadia. From the very first day Nadia was so polite and gentle with mom. Although mom refused the bath, Nadia just kept right on holding conversation with mom to put her at ease, she told mom she did not have to do anything she did not want to do, she told mom that it was ok and she understand why she did not want to accept help from anyone, She asked mom if she could make her a cup of coffee, mom accepted the coffee and told her to sit down. On the next visit mom accepted the care, from that day, mom was very comfortable with her, mom let her perform her duties. She is not only professional, but she is extremely caring and kind. She truly goes out of her way to help mom and make sure she is comfortable.
I've had a few PSWs’ from another company, mom never let them give her, her care. When they arrive, they are always in a rush to leave. Through out my life I have had some PSWs’ and I ask not to send them back not very good, now with your company, I consider myself grateful to have Nadia. I feel safe when she's here and she always has a way of making mom smile, even when she’s having a bad day. Her face light’s up when she sees Nadia.
Your company is so fortunate to have good people like Nadia working there. I just wanted to tell know how special Nadia is, she's always smiling. Thank you for sending her to my mom and for pointing me in the right direction every time I have a question