Bringing the love of Jesus to unreached people

Even today there are many around the world who do not know Jesus Christ and have never heard of his love. Together with you, we want to change that.

How will they know…
Unless someone goes

God is worthy of our absolute trust. We are totally dependent on him as the supplier of every need in our lives and ministries. We trust him to fulfil his revealed purposes despite opposition, difficulty and apparent impossibility.

Loving Christ is our core passion. The cross, with its principles of denying self and of losing one’s life to bless others, is a defining symbol of life as a Christ-follower.

God is holy and has created us in his image. Our desire is to please him in every part of our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are a community of God’s people drawn from various backgrounds and cultures. Our oneness in Christ makes it possible to serve together as brothers and sisters.

‘Pray Today’ is provided by Operation World. Please visit their website for full support.