About Us

Bethune Oriental Medicine Center, the largest acupuncture and Chinese medicine clinic in Edmonton, Canada, is committed to provide top services in complementary and alternative medicine. Using a team approach, we offer acupuncture, herbal remedy, and other treatment modalities for best clinic effects. Our team, with education, experience, dedication and caring, has successfully helped thousands of patients with diseases difficult to manage sometimes.

Bethune Center is named after Dr. Norman Bethune to remind us of his spirit, morality, dedication, professionalism, and love for health and well-being of the mankind. We believe, by working together, we can make a difference.


Contact Us

Phone: 780-461-6668

Fax: 780-461-6366

Email: bethunecentre@hotmail.com
3220 Parsons Road (99 St) Edmonton, AB, T6N 1M2
Business Hour:
Mon–Fri  9 am – 7 pm
Sat. Sun.   9 am – 5 pm
We open 7 days a week!

Chinese Medicine in Edmonton

"Ancient Healing + Western Science = Best Care"


Bethune Oriental Medicine Center is designed for our patients. We want you feel at home and comfortable from the first moment you enter our clinic. When you enter the clinic, you can inquire about anything and make your appointments. If you are early, you can have a whole body massage in a massage chair and read magazines or newspapers. There are 16 cozy treatment rooms, a classroom and storage shelves of hundreds of raw herbs and pattern medicine.  In Bethune Oriental Medicine Center, you are not only receiving a wholistic way of health care from ancient China and contemporary western medicine but also enjoying unique maintenance treatment such as massage, and the ion cleanse etc.. In addition, all the practitioners received continuous education and training in order to provide care with knowledge, the newest techniques and methods ;

Ancient healing + Western Science = Best Care

Our core value: dedication + teamwork

Bethune Oriental medical center has been open for 20 years. Thank you for your support and love! At present, our services include acupuncture, massage, massage, herbal medicine, Chinese patent medicine, cupping, moxibustion, beauty, osteopath, ear acupressure, finger press, foot reflexology, detoxification and so on. In addition to pain syndrome, the treatment of diseases and symptoms, including internal, external, gynecological, pediatric, bone injuries and other multidisciplinary diseases.
"Focus on difficult and miscellaneous diseases, spread TCM technology". Bethune Oriental Medical Center is an active organizer of the "Fourth International Conference of Traditional Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine".

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