Armstrong's Outdoors Store with MORE!
Performance Outdoor Gear & Footwear. Shooting sports, Hiking, Optics, Leupold, Vasque, backpacking, Deuter, Archery, hunting, Mountainsmith, camping, maps, sunglasses, hammocks, workboots, runners, DarnTough socks, Pelican cases, Fenix lights, Stanley thermos and gift sets, Buck knives, Hydroflask, .... the list keeps growing!
We have a pro shop for rifles, scope mounting, archery, custom arrows. PSE recurves, compound bows, and Crossbows - Rinehart targets in stock!
Shotguns, rifles, pistols, new & previously enjoyed on consignment, traditional, tactical, collectible, and unique. We have ammunition & fishing tackle to complete your fishing and hunting trip!
Full service in a small town!more...See more text
Monashee Outdoors is a local gem run by a great couple (Ryan and Lisa). The store only stocks high-quality brands and products so its easy to shop there without having to do much research. Plus, the staff is very knowledgeable and happy to advise. Outdoor shoes, boots, clothing, backpacks, camping supplies, archery, you name it... this store is a treasure trove for fellow outdoor enthusiasts.
I have been here twice recently, once for a pack and the second time for a new pair of hikers. Both times I received excellent and helpful customer service and found the quality gear I needed. I highly recommend this store if you need to get outfitted for some adventures!
20+ years experience, it is my passion and pleasure to see you smile, feeling confident & looking your best! Reasonable prices, you will always get comfortable 1-on-1 service!more...See more text
Full Service Family Salon! Wigs, Hairpieces, Sales & Styling | Colors & Highlights, Perms, Razor Cuts, Roller Sets, Updos, Foils | Men's Hair Systems Toupees | Electrolysis Services | Call or Drop in!more...See more text